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Liaoning Xumei Building Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd

contact number: thirteen billion three hundred and forty-two million four hundred and forty-five thousand two hundred and ninety-nine  

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  • The landscape membrane structure breaks the form of pure linear construction style

    The membrane data used for landscape membrane structure consists of base cloth and coating. The base cloth mainly uses polyester fiber and glass fiber data; The coating materials mainly include PVC and PTFE. The commonly used membrane materials are polyester fiber covered with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and glass fiber covered with polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon). The primary characteristics of PVC materials are low strength, large elasticity, easy aging
    Published on: April 13, 2021 Clicks: 22

  • The membrane material of membrane structure landscape pavilion is mainly PVDF

    The membrane materials of membrane structure landscape pavilion are mainly PVDF, PTFE and ETFE. In the meantime, PVDF and PTFE are widely used. PTFE membrane information: polytetrafluoroethylene (polytetrafluoroethylene or PTFE), usually called, is a polymer compound formed by polymerization of tetrafluoroethylene. Good insulation and aging resistance. High temperature resistance - operating temperature up to
    Published on: April 13, 2021 Clicks: 243

  • The practicability of landscape membrane structure is outstanding

    The load analysis of the landscape membrane structure is carried out on the basis of the shape and initial stress distribution obtained from the shape analysis to check whether the strength and stiffness of the structure under various load combinations meet the predetermined requirements. The nonlinear finite element method is basically used for the load analysis of membrane structures. The structure is discretized into elements and nodes. The elements are connected with each other through nodes. The external load effect is
    Published on: April 12, 2021 Clicks: 33

  • Strong energy conservation of landscape membrane structure buildings

    The landscape membrane structure is a new type of building that can be seen everywhere. Under the direct application, it can better handle the parking problem and help the traffic scale. And the membrane structure parking shed has its own characteristics. Sun protection, rain protection, snow protection, etc. It also contains fire prevention measures, which can better protect the vehicle. I can learn a few points about the protection measures. The membrane structure scene is also called fabric structure,
    Published on: April 12, 2021 Clicks: 21

  • Self cleaning function of landscape membrane structure and various climatic functions

    The landscape membrane structure engineering can provide a variety of uses and integrate with the landscape. Invent a happy space for people to enjoy. It fully demonstrates the artistic beauty of the structural components with clear force. It ingeniously integrates the surrounding environment, giving people a sense of elegance, romance and warmth. In addition, due to the color rendering property of the film data, it can form a gorgeous color under the mapping of night lights
    Published on: April 11, 2021 Clicks: 22

  • The landscape membrane structure shall be timely tightened or reinforced in case of loose connectors

    In our daily life, the membrane structure materials of landscape membrane structure, which are widely used, have a much longer service life than other materials, but they are still inseparable from our maintenance. Then let's hurry up and have a look at the content of this aspect with us! 1. The scraper coating method mainly uses a scraper to apply a certain amount of coating liquid on the substrate. The thickness of the coating is determined by the thickness between the scraper and the substrate
    Published on: April 11, 2021 Clicks: 20

  • Distinctive individuality and identity of landscape membrane structure

    The landscape membrane structure is applied in the urban sketch planning with its light and free shape, soft and powerful curve, and distinctive personality and identity of large span and space. Make use of the lightness and unique shape of the membrane structure to create all kinds of semi closed and fully closed non space, so that the building space formed by it can provide a weather proof, sun proof and other artificial environment, and has a better advertising logo effect
    Published on: April 10, 2021 Clicks: 23

  • Landscape membrane structure is less dangerous than traditional building structure

    When the landscape membrane structure phenomenon is heated by radiation, it depends on radiation and heat conduction. The heat energy emitted from the heater is first transmitted to the surface of the workpiece by means of radiation, and then is conducted from the surface to the inside by means of metal heat conduction. Therefore, during the construction of the membrane structure parking shed, the radiation heating method is characterized by that a temperature difference must be set up on the surface and inside of the workpiece, so that the heat can flow from outside to inside
    Published on: April 10, 2021 Clicks: 27

  • The membrane structure landscape manufacturing should have a professional process line

    Before the commencement of the installation project, the membrane structure landscape shall arrange the measuring personnel to recheck the vertical and horizontal axis deviation of the embedded parts, the elevation of the embedded parts, carefully record the recheck data of each column, and copy the relevant data to the person in charge of the project department, the person in charge of skills, and each constructor and construction team. During construction, each construction team uses this data as the basis for adjustment and alignment of component devices. Together
    Published on: April 9, 2021 Clicks: 40

  • What should be paid attention to when cutting the membrane structure parking shed?

    The planning of membrane structure parking shed mainly includes four major issues: shape planning, initial balance shape analysis, load analysis, and cutting analysis. The plane shape standard, 3D modeling and clearance volume of the building shall be recognized through figure planning, and the coordinates and structural methods of each control point shall be recognized. Membrane materials and construction schemes shall be selected. Membrane structure sunshade The flexibility of membrane structure makes it have
    Published on: April 9, 2021 Clicks: 36

  • Do you know the key points of landscape membrane structure material selection?

    Do you know the key points of landscape membrane structure material selection? The development of membrane structure and membrane structure curtain wall depends on the technological revolution and development of membrane village. Historically, the revolution of material technology has brought more and more ideas to architecture, and also brought endless high requirements. From the perspective of architectural color science, we can see the color of the interior through the color or nature of the building facade, from light to dark or from dark to
    Published on: April 8, 2021 Clicks: 21

  • The component of landscape membrane structure is only one third of that of traditional buildings

    The landscape membrane structure is characterized by high strength, good durability, fire resistance, good self-cleaning, not affected by ultraviolet light, and long service life. Generally, the membrane structure, also known as tensile membrane structure, is composed of a variety of high-strength membrane materials (PVC or Teflon) and stiffeners (steel frame, steel column or steel cable) to generate a certain amount of pretension stress in its interior in a certain way
    Published on: April 8, 2021 Number of hits: 20

  • Inflatable membrane structure in membrane structure landscape

    What kind of work is the inflatable membrane structure building in the membrane structure landscape generally used for? When talking about architecture, more people think that perhaps more of them are red bricks and concrete, which is also a common building. So what are the applications of inflatable membrane structure buildings we are going to talk about today? Like traditional buildings, inflatable membrane buildings are also suitable for most work. And inflatable membrane structure building relies on large span and detachable
    Published on: March 22, 2021 Number of hits: 55

  • How to maintain membrane structure landscape engineering

    Protection and maintenance of membrane structure landscape engineering. The surface of the membrane material shall not contact with knives and sharp tools to avoid scratching and abrading the surface of the membrane material. Once the membrane material is found to be scratched or severely abraded, effective measures shall be taken in time to avoid serious abrasion. At the same time, the manufacturer shall be notified to send personnel for repair. The surface of steel members shall not be hit and scratched by hard objects, and shall not be exposed to various acids, alkalis and organic solvents
    Published on: March 16, 2021 Number of hits: 46

  • Explore the role of various forms of membrane structure landscape

    1、 Application of formal beauty of structural mechanics: In the space modeling of membrane structure landscape, we can comprehensively use the factors in the structure that conform to the mechanical laws and mechanical principles to enhance the expression of the construction art. For example, "tension" plays an increasingly important role in the balance and stability of the membrane structure. The structural systems with "cables" have changed the traditional landscape construction foundation from the foundation
    Published on: March 9, 2021 Clicks: 63

  • Advantages of reinforced flexible membrane materials for membrane structure landscape

    It is reported that the woven plain fabric and the warp knitted biaxial fabric in the membrane material belong to the biaxial structure, and their warp yarns and weft yarns are arranged vertically to each other, but different organizational structures may lead to differences in performance. With the development of biaxial warp knitted fabrics, the research on their properties is also increasing. Researchers found that warp knitted biaxial fabrics have high potential utilization rate
    Published on: March 2, 2021 Clicks: 57

  • How to do the sound insulation work of membrane structure landscape engineering?

    As for the membrane structure landscape, it is commonly used to say that the landmark of the scenic spot and the landmark equipment of the park are mainly to add the flow of people in the scene area. For such mass equipment, we need to do a good job in the construction of sound insulation, so what should we do in this case? Pay attention to its orientation and orientation when building the membrane structure landscape to reduce noise disturbance. General distance
    Published on: February 22, 2021 Clicks: 54

  • Maintenance and protection of membrane structure landscape engineering

    Maintenance and protection of membrane structure landscape engineering 1. Engineering protection generally requires the protection and protection of membrane structure engineering. The surface of the membrane material shall not be touched by knives and sharp tools to avoid scratching and abrading the surface of the membrane material. Once the membrane material is found to be scratched, severely abraded and other phenomena, effective measures shall be taken in time to prevent the abrasion from becoming more severe, and the manufacturer shall be notified to send personnel for correction. The steel member surface shall not be subject to hard objects
    Published on: February 22, 2021 Clicks: 41

  • Why is the membrane structure landscape so popular

    The membrane structure landscape shall be constructed in rainy days. It is recommended to put temporary canopy, and the rain shall not fall on the hot pressure welding. For more humid welding positions, dry the dry rags you wipe and dry before using oxyacetylene flame welding to keep the joints dry and free of residual moisture. Before installation, clean the components such as water, but not damage the coating. When installing the friction surface of components
    Published on: January 26, 2021 Clicks: 41

  • How to maintain membrane structure landscape engineering

    Protection and maintenance of membrane structure landscape engineering. The surface of the membrane material shall not contact with knives and sharp tools to avoid scratching and abrading the surface of the membrane material. Once the membrane material is found to be scratched or severely abraded, effective measures shall be taken in time to avoid serious abrasion. At the same time, the manufacturer shall be notified to send personnel for repair. The surface of steel members shall not be hit and scratched by hard objects, and shall not be exposed to various acids, alkalis and organic solvents
    Published on: January 26, 2021 Clicks: 137

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