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Liaoning Xumei Building Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd

contact number: thirteen billion three hundred and forty-two million four hundred and forty-five thousand two hundred and ninety-nine  

Contact: Manager Luo

Address: Room 247-11704, Floor 2, No. 109-1, Quanyun Road, Shenyang Area, China (Liaoning) Pilot Free Trade Zone

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  • How to avoid membrane structure wrinkles

    With the rapid development of modern society and the gradual increase of private cars, the membrane structure parking shed is also being used constantly. The parking shed can not only provide wind and rain protection for private cars, but also provide a certain maintenance effect for private cars. So why does the membrane structure shed stand out from many car sheds? Its main characteristics are light shape, flame retardant, and simple manufacturing, Convenient device
    Published on: July 14, 2020 Number of hits: 40

  • Mechanical properties of membrane structure parking shed materials

    Mechanical properties of membrane structure parking shed materials The membrane materials used in membrane structure parking shed membrane structures are high-strength composite materials with high strength, flame retardancy, durability, self-cleaning and other characteristics, generally consisting of two parts: substrate and coating. The base cloth is mainly made of high-strength polyester fiber or glass fiber silk, and there are many weaving methods, such as flat weaving and twisting. Different weaving methods of membrane structure roof affect the membrane material
    Published on: July 14, 2020 Number of hits: 146

  • Fire prevention measures for membrane structure parking shed

    The membrane structure parking shed is a new type of building that can be seen everywhere. Under direct use, it can better handle the parking problem and help the traffic area. And the membrane structure parking shed has its own characteristics. Sun protection, rain protection, snow protection, etc. It also includes fire prevention measures. The vehicle is well protected. I can understand several points about the protection measures. A: PTFE and
    Published on: July 14, 2020 Clicks: 71

  • Maintenance method of membrane structure parking shed

    Now there are more and more private cars, and parking is also a very big problem. The membrane structure parking shed manufacturer has provided a good parking place for the majority of car owners. How should we maintain the membrane structure parking shed when we use it? Membrane structure Inflatable membrane structure fixes the membrane material on the roof, can use the air supply system to raise the indoor air pressure, use the pressure to obtain a certificate, without any auxiliary
    Published on: July 14, 2020 Clicks: 100

  • How to maintain the membrane structure landscape?

    The service life of membrane structure materials widely used in daily life is much longer than that of other materials, but it is still inseparable from our maintenance. Then let's take a look at the content of this aspect together! 1. The scraper coating method mainly uses a scraper to apply a certain amount of coating liquid on the substrate. The thickness of the coating is adjusted by the gap between the scraper and the substrate
    Published on: July 14, 2020 Clicks: 56

  • How to strengthen the anti-corrosion performance of membrane sunshade?

    The sun, rain and other natural phenomena will cause certain damage to the sun visor. Membrane structure awning is a common material for awning. It is of great significance to strengthen its corrosion resistance. How to strengthen the anti-corrosion function of the film structure against sun? Although new materials can be used for the landscape film structure sun visor, it is under great pressure during use. Due to the shape and transmission
    Published on: July 13, 2020 Clicks: 151

  • Application of membrane structure landscape in different scenes

    Membrane structure landscape is also known as fabric structure. It uses soft fabrics with excellent performance as materials, supports the membrane surface by internal air pressure, or uses flexible cables and rigid supporting structures to generate a certain amount of preload on the membrane surface, thus forming a new space structure system with a certain rigidity that can cover large spaces. Membrane structures can generally be divided into air supporting membrane structures (inflatable membrane structures) and tensioned membrane structures
    Published on: July 13, 2020 Clicks: 53

  • What does the membrane structure landscape design mainly include?

    The design of membrane structure landscape mainly includes four major issues: body shape design, initial balance shape analysis, load analysis, and cutting analysis. Through figure design, confirm the building plane shape scale, three-dimensional modeling, clearance volume, confirm the coordinates and structural mode of each control point, select membrane materials and construction plan. Membrane structure equipment The design of membrane structure mainly includes body shape design and initial equilibrium shape profile
    Published on: July 13, 2020 Clicks: 57

  • What problems should be paid attention to when installing the membrane structure landscape?

    What matters should be paid attention to during the installation of membrane structure landscape, and what detailed matters should be paid attention to during the installation. As the manufacturer of membrane structure sunshade, what detailed matters should be paid attention to: who needs to wear seat belts. In the process of installation, the operators should wear soft soled shoes when walking on the membrane surface, and should not wear keys and so on. Let us know! 1. Membrane structure device
    Published on: July 13, 2020 Number of hits: 117

  • Membrane structure landscape extends its service life!

    In membrane structure landscape, radiation heating relies on radiation and heat conduction. The heat energy emitted from the heater is first transmitted to the external surface of the workpiece in the form of radiation, and then it is conducted from the external surface to the internal by metal conduction. Therefore, the characteristic of radiation heating during the construction of membrane structure parking shed is that a temperature difference must be established between the outside and inside of the workpiece, so that heat can be transferred from the outside to the inside
    Published on: July 12, 2020 Number of hits: 59

  • What methods can be adopted for reinforcement of membrane structure parking shed project?

    Membrane structure parking shed is a form of construction in which a variety of high-strength membrane materials and stiffeners generate a certain amount of pretension stress to form a certain space shape through a certain method. As for the construction of this form, it can accept a certain load capacity. As for the construction of this form of structure, it needs to be treated according to the local current situation, Especially for regional
    Published on: July 12, 2020 Clicks: 53

  • What is the membrane structure?

    Membrane structure is a new type of building structure developed in the middle of the 20th century. It is a space structure that consists of a variety of high-strength thin materials and stiffeners (steel frames, steel columns and steel cables) to generate a certain amount of pretension stress inside in a certain way to form a space shape as a cover structure and can withstand external loads
    Published on: July 12, 2020 Number of hits: 35

  • The application of membrane sunshade is very familiar!

    The application of the membrane sunshade is very familiar. For example, the membrane shed is a common type of membrane structure. However, we know that its application scale has many other aspects, so we still need it in our life. However, if there is a big mistake or abnormality in the installation, Will compare its application and function
    Published on: July 11, 2020 Number of hits: 58

  • The processing precision of the film structure sunshade is very high!

    Membrane structure sunshade The flexibility of the membrane structure makes it bear the load in a favorable form under any load. Of course, the membrane structure sunshade manufacturer should design and adjust the structure layout and shape according to the load conditions. The design shall ensure that the membrane surface works in coordination with its auxiliary structure, so as to avoid the concentration of force on the membrane surface or auxiliary structure to reach the critical value of structural damage. Flexibility of tensioning structure
    Published on: July 11, 2020 Number of hits: 69

  • What are the factors affecting the construction cost of membrane structure landscape engineering?

    The modeling design of membrane structure landscape itself is often different from others. Its engineering construction has a certain sense of art and space. Generally, the more complex the modeling of membrane structure landscape construction, the more difficult the engineering construction will be. What are the cost factors for the construction of membrane structure landscape? 1. The change of construction area is directly related to the project cost
    Published on: July 11, 2020 Clicks: 84

  • Main characteristics of membrane structure landscape

    Membrane structure, also known as tensioned membrane structure, is a stable load-bearing system based on the tensile force of membrane materials and special geometry. The membrane can only bear the tension but not the compression and bending, and its surface stability depends on the mutual reversal
    Published on: July 11, 2020 Number of hits: 69

  • What kinds of materials are used for the canopy?

    1. The top of the glass panel canopy is tempered glass or laminated safety glass, both of which are safety glass. Suitable for all kinds of office buildings, factories, villas, etc. The glass canopy uses tempered laminated glass. The difference between tempered laminated glass and general tempered glass is that tempered laminated glass refers to further safety treatment after glass tempering to bond two pieces of glass together. No after the glass is broken
    Published on: July 11, 2020 Number of hits: 63

  • What should be paid attention to when cutting the membrane structure canopy?

    What should be paid attention to when cutting the membrane structure canopy? The cutting process is just one of the processes in the production process of the product. In this process, strict planning should be made according to the shape and size required by the user. First, the drawings should be drawn, and then professional technicians should operate. First, the width of the membrane material: when the plane grid is divided during the shape analysis, it is necessary to consider
    Published on: July 10, 2020 Number of hits: 45

  • Analysis and introduction of technical advantages of film structure sunshade

    The film structure sunshade, literally, refers to the film structure roof that is used to shield against wind and rain and avoid sunshine. Now the sunshade has been integrated with many design elements in the design, and the design effects are also many. For example, the design technology of the membrane structure awning makes the membrane structure sunshade more novel. Then the membrane
    Published on: July 9, 2020 Clicks: 113

  • Some basic knowledge of membrane construction!

    The membrane materials used for membrane structure are composed of base cloth and coating. The base cloth mainly adopts polyester fiber and glass fiber materials; The coating materials are mainly PVC and PTFE. The commonly used membrane materials are polyester fiber covered with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and glass fiber covered with polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon). The main characteristics of PVC material are low strength, large elasticity, easy aging and creep
    Published on: July 9, 2020 Number of hits: 60

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